UPDATE - 12/23/13
Last Saturday Viedra Elison, Sara and Jessica loaded up the car and delivered 166 toys to the Phoenix Children's Hospital. We want to thank all of our generous patients that donated toys and money to this drive. We made a lot of less fortunate children happy this hoilday season.
We are beginning our annual Toy Drive. This year we will be donating the toys to the Phoenix Children's Hospital. The hospital has asked that we target toys for Babies, as they are often forgotten in toy drives, although we will accept toys for all ages. We will have a box in our lobby for your donations. Please bring in your toys "unwrapped.
The wish list for babies is:
Infant Rattles/Teething Toys
Crib Mobiles
Musical and LIght-up toys
Crib Aquariums
Infant Stimulation Toys (Black, Red and White)
Infant Mirrors
Infant Kick and Play's / Activity Gyms
Swings / Bouncers
They will also accept gift cards to retail stores in increments of $5 and $10.
This list is not complete, and you are welcome to come up with your own ideas. We appreciate your support in this worthy endeavor.
If you should have any questions about our Toy Drive, please contact our office.