All medical professionals know how worrisome patients can be when they discover, well, pretty much anything out of the ordinary with their bodies.
This is certainly understandable, our Arizona podiatrist adds. The worry can become amplified if you don’t know what is actually the problem. Such can be the case if you realize you have an abnormal bump on your heel.
Let’s take a look at the two most likely explanations for the bump, including why these conditions develop and what we can do to help relieve your symptoms.
The first possible explanation for the bump on your heel is a condition known as Haglund’s deformity. Also called a “pump bump,” this is an abnormal, bony protrusion on the back of the heel.
It develops in response to persistent pressure applied on the area over an extended period of time.
Common Source of Pressure
One common source for this pressure is a stiff, rigid shoe back, like those found on many high-heeled shoe models (which explains the “pump bump” moniker). The body responds to the pressure by building up bone tissue with calcium deposits over time.
A pump bump isn’t necessarily painful on its own. Problems arise, though, when it irritates soft tissue around it, like the Achilles tendon or a bursa (tiny, fluid-filled sac). These tissues can become inflamed and be the source of pain.
The other possible bump you might experience on your heel is found on the bottom. In this instance, you have developed a heel spur. Like pump bumps, heel spurs are built from excessive calcium deposits. This particular condition is often seen in conjunction with plantar fasciitis, and the spur develops in the area where the plantar fascia connects to the heel bone.
Treating Pump Bump Pain
In both cases, we will look to relieve your symptoms first with conservative (nonsurgical) methods, like rest, ice, custom orthotics, and medication. Now, these will not cause the bump to disappear, but they may provide the relief you need.
The only way to actually eliminate the abnormal bump on your heel is through surgical methods. Fortunately, conservative care provides relief for most patients. If you do need surgery, our staff at Fixing Feet Institute has the experience and skill to take care of the problem for you!