After just having watched hundreds of the best runners in the world compete in The Olympics, many of us were left wondering, “Just how do they do that?” Well for starters, they make sure to spend countless hours conditioning their feet to avoid stress fractures. Any runner of any ability level should know the importance of strength conditioning because it can really help prevent so many injuries.
Common Causes of Running Injuries
Runners are prone to sustaining injuries more than others. Your whole body, particularly your feet, undergoes a lot of stress when running. It’s really important not to just jump head-first into your training. Take things slowly and ease into a more intense routine. This is not only important for beginner runners but also for people who have been running for a long time or would consider themselves advanced.
Sometimes we are too quick to try something new (for example, going from track running to concrete running), and it can really mess things up. Remember to always gradually introduce new things into your running routine, whether it’s new shoes, new terrain, a faster pace, or a trail with more uphill running.
Stress Fracture
If you do end up with a stress fracture, it’s important to get treated quickly. You will be off your feet for a period of time, so don’t try to push yourself before you’re ready. The bone needs time to heal or it will just fracture again, and you will have to most likely wait longer. Follow the RICE protocol (rest, ice, compression, and elevation. In some cases, your doctor might recommend that you wear a cast or brace or use crutches in order to keep pressure off of it while it heals. At the end of the healing process, you will want to make sure you take things slow again, as your ankle and foot might be feeling a little weaker than normal.
If you have a stress fracture or would like more information on how to prevent them, contact Dr. Peyman Elison and Dr. Viedra Elison at Fixing Feet Institute in Surprise, AZ by calling (623) 584-5556.